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My Doula Services

What can I do for you?

Expectant Couple

Postnatal Support/ Night doula

Pregnancy, birth and the early days of parenthood can be exhausting and stressful. As a member of Doula UK, you can trust me to help you get some rest, establish breastfeeding, mind the little ones, prep delicious and nutritious meals or help around the house while you get on with the important stuff like bonding , resting and recovering.

Hand on Bump

Pregnancy Doula

If you feel that you're not properly prepared for labour and birth you can wind up feeling anxious, tense and fearful. Let me help you and your partner to lean in to your pregnancy in a positive, relaxed and confident way with tailored information, hypnobirthing techniques and support sessions at any stage of your pregnancy - online or in the comfort of your own home at a time that suits you. Alternatively check out my Positive Birth Course, providing tools, tips and critical information to empower and relax you. 

Mother and Baby

Labour and Birth Support

Research shows that labour and birth support from a doula is an effective pain-relief tool and can make birth quicker and more positive. As a fully trained, qualified and accredited Hypnobirthing coach, I support all manner of births, in a way that suits the birthing person and their partner, and would love to discuss your needs and develop a support package that suits you. Support can be for the early stages only, helping you to navigate this challenging time, or right through until you're cuddled up in bed with your baby.

That's the best bit!

I'd love to talk to you about the support you need...

Support Form
Doula at Home

RosieBirth Doula Support

Go on, tell me how I can help - there's no such thing as a silly question, you know...

I'll be in touch with you shortly, well done!

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